But on that day, I decided that everything was going to be do or die now. I didn’t know what I was about to change. When I tweeted that I’m about to change my life on Twitter that day, I did it so that I could hold myself accountable for it. I was like, “I can pay my bills, I’m hanging out here, I know these people, I’m traveling and I’m so comfortable right now but I can do more than this.” That’s what gave me the push to decide that it’s time to do something bigger now, and I made that decision at the exact moment that I became aware of my content and realized I was too comfortable. My desire is to be challenged all the time. The whole idea of wanting more, is not wanting more money. But I wasn’t learning anything anymore and that is ultimately failure to me. I was around a bunch of cool people and I was doing a bunch of cool things. Grimes: Last year, mentally, I didn’t feel like I was doing enough.
Where were you this time last year, and what gave you the push you needed to elevate your career and life? At what moment did you decide it was time to pivot? You landed your position with Spotify just 8 months ago. Adeshola: A year ago, you tweeted, “I’m about to change my life” and a lot has changed for you since last year.